DID YOU KNOW? Out of the 206 bones in the human adult’s body, 106 are in the hands and feet Osteoporosis and osteoarthritis may seem alike but are different. The word 'osteo' mean bone. From this we can deduce that both osteoporosis and osteoarthritis affects the bone, the spine inclusive. OSTEOPOROSIS The bone as a living tissue grows, degrade and change constantly. Osteoporosis develops when the rate at which the bone degrades is more than the rate at which it grow. The 'porosis' stands for pores. The bone develop sponge-like pores and becomes fragile and gradually weakens. Someone suffering from osteoporosis will have increased rate of fracture. Causes of osteoporosis are not getting enough calcium or/and not able to utilize calcium in the body, eating disorders, smoking, alcohol abuse and heredity among others. OSTEOARTHRITIS Arthritis is an inflammation of the joint(s). Osteoarthritis is one and the most common of the over hundred types of art...