You've seen it before, you have it in your garden, its in the market, its soft and yummy. You've seen it times unnumbered, but then you have little regards for it, you waste it, you throw it away just because you don't know how important it is. What is it? Pawpaw, usually referred to as papaya is an exotic fruit popularly known for its vitamin C which makes people believe that eating pawpaw is good, but there are lot of benefits of eating pawpaw that makes pawpaw worth eating everyday. It prevent premature aging When you eat pawpaw reasonably, your skin tends to look fresh. From time pawpaw have been recommended to look fresh and young. When the food we eat is well digested, the body will get the nutrients that it needs, it will then look fresh and smooth. Pawpaw is very good at ensuring proper digestion of food. It helps to control body weight For those that are trying to maintain their weight or probably wants to reduce it, taking pawpaw will...