Want to look ever young, agile and active? Aging is a factor that deter people from achieving their dreams. Aging cause sagging bodies and Turkey neck. Looks disappointing, isn't it? Of the total global population, the number of people aged 60years and above will increase from about 900millon to about 2 billion (12% - 22%) between the year 2015 and 2050. This shows that the world itself is aging. Researches have been conducted on how to prevent aging and premature aging. You are on this page because you are thinking of what your skin will look like in some years to come. Worry less, you are on the right track. There are solutions to the aging process and the FACT is that the best solution lies in you hand. How? Just as sagging bodies and Turkey neck are dependent on the aging process, the aging process is dependent on diet, hygiene and lifestyle. Aging process depends basically on what we eat, how we treat our skin and how hygienic we are. Are you now ...